One Red Mouse

support for creatives

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We monitor your systems so you don't have to! Get notified straight away if any of your services have issues.
We use the service in-house to monitor our own systems and automatically post updates to Twitter if we think there is an issue.

Wouldn't you like to be notified if the web site you manage for your client goes off-line or changes before they call you?

Don't you want to know if your mail server goes down, your VoIP system stops responding or if your company ADSL drops, so you can take action before it becomes a crisis?

System monitoring from One Red Mouse will send you an eMail alert within minutes of a problem. Monitor your Web server, ADSL router, Mail Server, DNS server, FileMaker server or any specific port you need for your custom services such as backup servers or VoIP systems. And every month we will send you a report so you can see how your systems are performing.

So why not eMail now to discuss how we can help you...

Number of monitors
Price per month
Five minutes
Five minutes
One minute
One minute